Moyshe Nadir's 1919 satirical Yiddish story "Nutose and Protose" humorously depicts a man convinced by a peculiar individual to adopt vegetarianism, ultimate...
A Jewish historical institute employee receives strange phone calls, one of which insults him for losing the war between religious and secular Jews. The empl...
"The King of Warsaw" by Szczepan Twardoch is a crime novel set in interwar Poland that explores the underworld of Jewish gangsters in Warsaw. The protagonist...
Zuni Maud and Yosl Cutler were Yiddish cartoonists, puppeteers, and artists who made significant contributions to Yiddish cultural life in the early 20th cen...
The Yiddish typewriting manual "Praktishe metode far der yidisher shrayb-mashin" by Tobias Jonas, published in 1929, aimed to teach touch-typing in Yiddish t...
The Yiddish press of the early 20th century was not immune to sensationalism, publishing stories of crime, sex, and violence that captivated readers despite ...
The controversy surrounding the children's alphabet book "P is for Palestine" at Book Culture on the Upper West Side highlights the clash between Jewish pare...
This article discusses the significance of I.L. Peretz, a prominent figure in modern Jewish literature who passed away 100 years ago. Peretz, a key writer in...
Rabbi Rafael Halperin, a unique figure in rabbinical lore who balanced a life of spirituality and strength training, passed away at 87. Born in Vienna in 192...
From the 13th century onwards, a Jewish comedic tradition emerged of creating parodies of the Passover haggadah, intensifying in the 19th century with the ri...