Edward Serotta

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Tablet On the Anniversary of Kristallnacht and the Fall of the Berlin Wall, Remembering East Germany’s Jews 11 Nov 2019
In 1988, East Germany under Erich Honecker made unprecedented efforts to engage with its Jewish community, organizing events around the 50th anniversary of K...
11 Nov 2019
Tablet Banquo’s Ghost and the Fall of Hungarian Communism 23 Oct 2019
As Hungary commemorates the 30th anniversary of the fall of Communism in Central Europe, the author reflects on their time in Budapest in the late 1980s. Des...
23 Oct 2019
Tablet The Proust of Disillusion 3 Oct 2019
Gyrgy Konrd, a well-known Hungarian novelist and political dissident, captivated readers with his unique storytelling that delved into the grim realities of ...
3 Oct 2019
Tablet Who Won the Cold War? 10 Sep 2019
The overthrow of Communism and the end of the Cold War were marked by various significant events across Eastern Europe. The collapse of the Berlin Wall on No...
10 Sep 2019