Elizabeth Karpen

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Kveller 17 Jewish Regency Romance Novels to Read if You Love ‘Bridgerton’ 17 May
The article discusses 17 Jewish Regency romance novels that could be appealing to fans of Bridgerton. While Bridgerton lacks Jewish representation, these nov...
17 May
JTA A new dark comedy asks a serious question: Was Bulgaria’s King Boris III a friend or a foe of the Jews? 7 May
A new dark comedy play explores the complex relationship between Bulgaria's King Boris III and the Jewish population in his country during World War II. Desp...
7 May
JTA On their ‘Schmuckboys’ podcast, two women share their passion for Jews dating Jews 1 Apr
On the Schmuckboys podcast, Libby Amber Walker and Marla Friedson share their passion for helping Jews date within their community, tackling topics like Jewi...
1 Apr
Tablet Losing My Senses 26 Apr 2023
The author recounts her experience of losing her sense of smell and taste due to contracting COVID-19. She reflects on how this loss has affected her relatio...
26 Apr 2023