Elliott Abrams

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Tablet Chuck Schumer, the Highest-Ranking Shoemaker Ever 22 Mar
Senator Chuck Schumer, often referencing the Hebrew word "shomer" meaning guardian in relation to his surname, has positioned himself as a prominent Jewish f...
22 Mar
Tablet Hunting Jews 11 Mar
The text discusses instances of antisemitism, particularly in the context of legal rulings affecting Jewish practices in Europe. It highlights a European Cou...
11 Mar
Tablet The Two-State Delusion 1 Feb
The article discusses the persistence of the two-state solution as the preferred resolution for the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, despite its numerous challe...
1 Feb
Jewish Review of Books Lessons of the Soviet Jewish Exodus 27 Mar 2019
Between the late 1960s and the fall of the Soviet Union in 1991, nearly two million Jews left Russia, Ukraine, and other parts of the Soviet Empire, with sup...
27 Mar 2019
Jewish Review of Books Israel’s Northern Border and the Chaos in Syria: A Symposium 17 Jun 2015
Two analysts, Elliott Abrams and Itamar Rabinovich, discuss the impact of the chaos in Syria on Israel's northern border. The Syrian civil war has caused a h...
17 Jun 2015
Jewish Review of Books Politics and Prophecy 5 Mar 2014
Ari Shavit's book "My Promised Land: The Triumph and Tragedy of Israel" delves into his family history, experiences, and views on Israel, exploring the count...
5 Mar 2014