Elliott Horowitz

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Jewish Review of Books Straying from the Fold? 18 Sep 2017
In "Leaving the Jewish Fold: Conversion and Radical Assimilation in Modern Jewish History" by Todd Endelman, the discussion revolves around figures like Card...
18 Sep 2017
Jewish Review of Books A Tale of Two Night Vigils 26 Sep 2016
The text explores the historical practice of all-night study vigils in Jewish communities, focusing on the tikkun observed on the first night of Shavuot and ...
26 Sep 2016
Jewish Review of Books The Great Gaon of Italian Art 17 Jun 2015
Bernard Berenson, a renowned art expert, was a Jewish-born man from Lithuania who converted to Christianity in his youth and later became a leading authority...
17 Jun 2015
Jewish Review of Books Dangerous Liaisons: Modern Scholars and Medieval Relations Between Jews and Christians 5 Mar 2014
Salo Baron's 1942 article challenged the common narrative of Jewish suffering in medieval Europe, arguing that despite facing some discrimination, medieval J...
5 Mar 2014