Emily Benedek

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Tablet Israel’s Citizen-Soldiers 2 May
Ari Kalker, a citizen-soldier who served in the IDF in Gaza, reflects on the challenges of transitioning between military duty and family life as a reservist...
2 May
Tablet Waiting for War With Hezbollah 15 Feb
This article recounts the experience of an Israeli soldier, Itai Reuveni, during a tense period of conflict with Hezbollah. Reuveni describes the fear and se...
15 Feb
Tablet White People Are Going to Colonize Mars, and Other Fears From Today’s Campuses 3 Jan
A recent poll found that 73% of Jewish students in American universities have experienced or witnessed antisemitic incidents, a significant increase from pre...
3 Jan
Tablet The Art of the Teardown 14 Nov 2023
Israeli street artists Nitzan Mintz and Dede Bandaid launched a poster campaign called "Kidnapped from Israel" to raise awareness about the hundreds of Israe...
14 Nov 2023
Tablet How Jazz Healed a City 12 Aug 2021
Last year, Evan Sherman, a young and talented jazz drummer, found himself without gigs due to the COVID-19 pandemic. However, a phone call led him to perform...
12 Aug 2021
Tablet The Journalist Who Fell Asleep on Prince 21 Apr 2021
This text is a personal reflection on the author's experience interviewing Prince for a Rolling Stone cover story in 1985. The author recalls how Prince had ...
21 Apr 2021
Tablet A Brighter Future 23 Mar 2021
The COVID-19 pandemic has sparked a surge of interest in aliyah (immigration to Israel) from Jews around the world, particularly in Western countries. The Je...
23 Mar 2021
Tablet California Is Cleansing Jews From History 28 Jan 2021
California's Ethnic Studies Model Curriculum (ESMC) has caused controversy and concern among Jewish communities. Originally intended to promote understanding...
28 Jan 2021
Tablet Litmus Tests Online 2 Dec 2020
Girls Night Out (GNO) is a secret Facebook group for women in Los Angeles that has grown to over 30,000 members. It serves as a virtual sorority house and ne...
2 Dec 2020
Tablet The Most Important Jewish Philanthropist You’ve Never Heard Of 19 Aug 2020
Harold Grinspoon, a wealthy businessman and philanthropist, is the founder of PJ Library, a program that sends children's books with Jewish themes to familie...
19 Aug 2020