Eric K. Ward

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Moment Opinion | What I Learned from Alexei Navalny 20 Feb
Eric K. Ward reflects on the legacy of Alexei Navalny, highlighting their shared receipt of the Civil Courage Prize and acknowledging Navalny's courageous fi...
20 Feb
Moment Opinion | Serious Leadership Means Standing Together 15 Jan
In this piece, Eric K. Ward, an activist and recipient of an Inspirational and Leadership Award, explains how the core of white nationalism is rooted in anti...
15 Jan
Tablet Forcefully Opposing Anti-Semitism Must Be a Core Principle of the Movement to Combat White Supremacy 4 Dec 2017
The text emphasizes the need to forcefully oppose anti-Semitism as a core principle in combating white supremacy. It discusses the prevalence of anti-Semitis...
4 Dec 2017