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Eugene Kontorovich

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Tablet The Ugly Lessons of October 7 22 May
Hamas's brutal terrorist attack on October 7 has paradoxically garnered significant support for the Palestinian cause, particularly among top Democratic poli...
22 May
Tablet Israeli Settlements Are Not Illegal 10 Aug 2023
The article argues that Israeli settlements in the West Bank are not illegal according to international law, despite claims to the contrary. The author criti...
10 Aug 2023
Tablet The Biden Administration Redefines Antisemitism 13 Jul 2023
The article discusses the Biden administration's redefinition of antisemitism and the controversy surrounding it. The International Holocaust Remembrance All...
13 Jul 2023
Tablet BDS: Russia vs. Israel 16 May 2022
The text discusses the differences between the boycott, divestment, and sanctions (BDS) movements against Russia and Israel. The author argues that while Rus...
16 May 2022
Tablet The Assault on Israel’s Constitution 10 Dec 2020
In recent years, there have been concerns about the erosion of democracy and threats to the rule of law in Israel. However, there is a lesser-known assault o...
10 Dec 2020
Tablet The Problem With Using the Tax Code to Punish Israeli Settlements 6 Oct 2016
J Street and similar progressive groups are pushing to revoke U.S. tax exemptions for charitable organizations supporting Jewish settlements in the West Bank...
6 Oct 2016
Tablet A Palestinian State Free of Jews? 15 Sep 2016
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu highlighted that the Palestinian Authority seeks a state free of Jews, prompting criticism from various quarters in...
15 Sep 2016
Tablet Why Critics of Israel’s New NGO ‘Transparency Law’ Are Wrong 13 Jul 2016
Israel recently passed a law mandating domestic organizations primarily funded by foreign governments to disclose this in communications with the government,...
13 Jul 2016
Tablet How One of the BDS Movement’s Alleged ‘Victories’ Became One of Its Worst Defeats 30 Jun 2016
The BDS movement's celebrated victory over the security giant G4S turned out to be a significant defeat due to new anti-boycott laws in several U.S. states. ...
30 Jun 2016
Tablet Can States Fund BDS? 13 Jul 2015
States like South Carolina and Illinois have enacted legislation to protect taxpayers from supporting discriminatory boycotts of Israel. These laws focus on ...
13 Jul 2015