Ezra Y. Schwartz

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Lehrhaus On Gizzards and the Making of Rabbis 22 Aug 2023
This article discusses the role of artificial intelligence (AI) in the rabbinate and argues that human involvement is necessary in the field of Halakhah. The...
22 Aug 2023
Lehrhaus Decentralization and Centralization: A COVID Tale of the Modern Orthodox Community 19 Apr 2021
The COVID-19 pandemic has had significant effects on the Modern Orthodox community, particularly in terms of decentralization and centralization. On one hand...
19 Apr 2021
Lehrhaus 20/20 vision for hilkhot Shabbat: A Glance at Rav Yosef Zvi Rimon’s Newest Sefer 12 Mar 2020
Rav Yosef Zvi Rimon's recent two-volume work on hilkhot Shabbat stands out in the crowded world of Torah publications by combining both practical halakhic gu...
12 Mar 2020
Lehrhaus Nishmat HaBayit: A Window into the Successes of Yoatzot Halacha 15 Oct 2018
"Nishmat HaBayit" is a significant book authored by Yoatzot Halacha from Nishmat that focuses on Jewish family purity laws, particularly Hilkhot Niddah. The ...
15 Oct 2018
Lehrhaus Building Upon the Rav’s Legacy in Women’s Learning 1 Nov 2017
The article discusses the state of advanced Talmud Torah for women, particularly in the context of Rabbi Soloveitchik's influence and the experience of teach...
1 Nov 2017