Faigy Grunfeld

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Jewish Action The Shtadlan in Jewish History: A Conversation with Dr. Henry Abramson 11 Nov 2021
Shtadlanut, meaning intercession, is a historical Jewish practice of influential individuals advocating for the Jewish community to influence public policy. ...
11 Nov 2021
Jewish Action Plagues and Perseverance 23 Aug 2020
This text discusses how the Jewish community in Prague coped with a devastating plague in 1713. The outbreak hit the Jewish community harder and earlier than...
23 Aug 2020
Jewish Action Marriage Then . . . and Now 20 Jun 2019
The text discusses the misconception that past Jewish marriages were primarily utilitarian, with strict gender roles. Through examples like Glückel of Hameln...
20 Jun 2019
Jewish Action Marriage Then . . . and Now 20 Jun 2019
The text explores the misconceptions surrounding Jewish marriages in the past, challenging the notion that they were strictly utilitarian and devoid of love....
20 Jun 2019