Deborah Strauss, renowned for her contributions to Yiddish music, is the 2024 recipient of the Adrienne Cooper Dreaming in Yiddish Award, honoring her impact...
New York's CYCO Yiddish book center celebrates the release of the Yiddish translation of "Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets" by hosting a book signing ...
The Yiddish book center CYCO in New York is hosting a book signing party for the newly translated Yiddish version of "Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets...
Yiddish Summer Weimar is hosting a special two-week course on contemporary Hasidic Yiddish, a variety of Yiddish spoken by a million people globally. The cou...
French director Nurith Aviv's documentary "The Secrets of Yiddish Poetry," available on YouTube, showcases the passion of seven young Yiddish scholars, both ...
Thirteen-year-old Sender Glasser, who speaks Yiddish at home, made a video demonstrating how to bake baklava in his mother tongue, despite it not being part ...
A video from a Yom Hashoah event in New York City honors the Warsaw Ghetto fighters and commemorates the six million Jews murdered by the Nazis. The event, o...
Descendants of Holocaust survivors gathered in New York City's Riverside Park on April 19 to honor the Warsaw Ghetto fighters and the six million Jews killed...
The Jacob Isaac Segal Awards for 2024, hosted by the Montreal's Jewish Public Library, are now accepting submissions. This prestigious Yiddish literature pri...
Renowned violinist Itzhak Perlman shared his favorite Passover recipes with a Yiddish cooking show, highlighting his late mother's Polish Jewish culinary tra...