During a pivotal Election Day, Jewish influence was notably prominent as two states, North Carolina and Delaware, elected Jewish governors. Vice President Ka...
In a charged atmosphere as the presidential campaign reaches its climax, tensions are high among American Jews, particularly in swing state Pennsylvania wher...
A Sukkot program was recorded at the radio station WEVD, capturing a moment of cultural and religious significance for the Jewish community, as reported by t...
Ta-Nehisi Coates has sparked controversy with his commentary on U.S. policy towards Israel, framing it as support for apartheid and genocide if Vice Presiden...
Rabbi Cary Kozberg of Springfield, Ohio's Temple Sholom made headlines with his inflammatory comments about Haitian migrants, citing unfounded claims and rac...
Rachel and Jon Polin shared the heartbreaking story of their son Hersh, who is among the 109 hostages held by Hamas, including 8 American citizens, after a t...
The Israel Defense Forces announced that the number of Israeli hostages who have died in captivity, believed to be at least 18, includes recent casualties su...
Jewish students at Columbia University penned a message, emphasizing their pride in their Jewish identity and their support for Zionism as part of their heri...
Jewish students from various campuses are rejecting claims that student encampments for Gaza are antisemitic or pose a threat to Jewish safety. They emphasiz...
At the Oscars 2024, "Oppenheimer" directed by Christopher Nolan won big, including Best Picture and Best Actor. However, the most noteworthy moment was direc...