Franz Kafka's legacy is explored through major exhibitions worldwide, giving insight into the life of the famous Jewish-Czech writer, known for his dark, exi...
"Yarena," a poignant children's book by Chaim Peri, intertwines simplicity and beauty with deep emotional undertones given the author's tragic fate. Illustra...
Marc Chagall's latest exhibition in Vilnius, Lithuania, highlights his lesser-known work in decorative arts alongside Picasso and Max Ernst. Dominated by Cha...
Sonia Delaunay, a renowned artist known for her abstract and kinetic work, especially in fabric design, lived a life of simplicity and disguise. Despite her ...
Israeli photographer Osnat Ben Dov's still-life photo exhibit, "Shadow of a Passing Bird," featured images of everyday objects destroyed by Hamas in October....
The University of Chicago is celebrating the installation of Ruth Duckworth's mural, "Clouds Over Lake Michigan," at its Regenstein Library. Duckworth, a cer...
The "Fashioned by Sargent" exhibition at the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston showcases the works of American artist John Singer Sargent and his relationship to...
Zoya Cherkassky, an Israeli artist, recently had a show called "The Arrival of Foreign Professionals" which explores scenes from the African diaspora in Euro...
The Metropolitan Museum of Art is currently showcasing an exhibition called Richard Avedon: MURALS, which celebrates the centennial of the late photographer'...
Artist and illustrator Maira Kalman's exhibition at the Mary Ryan Gallery features gouache paintings, including a detailed image of E.F. Benson's garden room...