Francis Nataf

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Jewish Action The Koren Tanakh Maalot—Magerman Edition 20 May 2022
The Koren Tanakh MaalotMagerman Edition is a new translation of the Jewish Bible that aims to capture the original text for a broad contemporary audience. Th...
20 May 2022
Lehrhaus Must Creativity and Rigor be Either/Or? 28 Jun 2021
This article discusses Rabbi Michael Hattin's approach to studying the books of Joshua and Judges in the Tanakh. Hattin combines traditional Jewish interpret...
28 Jun 2021
Lehrhaus Must Creativity and Rigor be Either/Or? 28 Jun 2021
This article reviews two volumes on the books of Joshua and Judges by Rabbi Michael Hattin, part of the series Studies in Tanakh by Maggid Books. The author ...
28 Jun 2021
Lehrhaus Malbim’s Paean to (Ben Azzai’s) Kantian Ethics 2 Feb 2021
Rabbi Meir Leibush ben Yehiel Michel Wisser, also known as Malbim, was a traditionalist in the 19th century who engaged with Western culture. One example of ...
2 Feb 2021
Lehrhaus The Lifespan of Hirschian Orthodoxy: On the 130th Yahrtzeit of Rabbi Samson Raphael Hirsch 10 Jan 2019
Rabbi Samson Raphael Hirsch's 130th Yahrtzeit provokes a reflection on the lifespan of his Torah im Derekh Eretz approach and its endurance. Hirsch's unique ...
10 Jan 2019