The documentary "Centered: Joe Lieberman" chronicles the political career and legacy of Joe Lieberman, the former U.S. Senator known for his independent stan...
In the wake of the October 7 Hamas attacks, a committed group of advocates, spearheaded by Israeli couple Matan Sivek and Bar Ben-Yaakov, is working tireless...
In deep-blue cities like San Francisco and Oakland, district attorneys are handling anti-Israel protest prosecutions differently, highlighting the broader co...
In recent months, several major U.S. labor unions, including the United Auto Workers (UAW), have notably shifted their stance on Israel, moving away from lon...
Phil Weiser, Colorado's Jewish attorney general, speaks about his Jewish identity and its influence on his public service. Elected in 2018 alongside Governor...
Jewish Democrats are carefully examining Vice President Kamala Harris's stance on Israel, with concerns and comparisons to former President Obama's track rec...
As the Democratic National Convention approaches, there is a delicate balance being navigated regarding how to address Israel and Gaza. Some delegates are pu...
Brian Nelson, a skilled lawyer who has worked closely with Kamala Harris since her tenure as California's attorney general, played a crucial role in various ...
University of Southern California athletes were given a crash course on antisemitism during a trip to Poland as part of the USC Student Leadership Summit org...
Kentucky Governor Andy Beshear, a Democrat known for his close ties with the Jewish community, is being considered as a potential running mate for Vice Presi...