Gall Sigler

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Forward Inspired by Chabad and a teenage mom, he’s given more than a million books to kids in need 3 Aug 2023
Larry Abrams, the founder of BookSmiles, a nonprofit book bank, was inspired by Chabad and a teenage mom to give away over a million books to children in nee...
3 Aug 2023
Forward Russia has detained a Jewish journalist for 112 days. His friends are reading his work aloud in protest 19 Jul 2023
Evan Gershkovich, a Jewish journalist detained in Russia for 112 days on espionage charges while reporting on the Wagner Group, is being supported by his col...
19 Jul 2023
Forward Amid upheaval over judicial overhaul, American tourists visit Israel in record numbers 18 Jul 2023
Despite significant political turmoil in Israel due to protests over proposed judicial changes, American tourism to Israel has reached record levels, surpass...
18 Jul 2023
Forward It's not just Swastika Lake — the U.S. is full of sites named for swastikas 22 Jun 2023
The trend of renaming locations named after the swastika, a potent symbol of the Nazis, has been growing in recent years. Municipalities across North America...
22 Jun 2023