In the wake of the October 7 conflict, a remarkable increase in Jewish activism has emerged, with a significant portion of previously disengaged American Jew...
The New York Jewish Book Festival, held at the Museum of Jewish Heritage, creates a cultural space that counters the trend of canceling Jewish writers and ar...
Marking Jewish Book Month, Gary Rosenblatt highlights "The Triumph of Life: A Narrative Theology of Judaism" by Rabbi Irving Yitz Greenberg. The book reflect...
Amichai Lau-Lavie, known for blending performance art with Jewish education, is the focus of a new documentary, "Sabbath Queen," which examines his multiface...
In this thought-provoking piece, Gary Wexler challenges Democrats to reconsider their post-election strategies after recent political defeats, emphasizing th...
In a satirical style, Gary Rosenblatt caricatures phone exchanges between Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and then President-elect Donald Trump. Th...
In a disheartening turn of events for proponents of democratic values, both the United States and Israel face challenges with the re-election of Donald Trump...
This satirical piece by Gary Rosenblatt imagines a scenario where former President Donald Trump attempts to cancel Election Day and immediately assume office...
Gary Rosenblatt reflects on the Sukkot festival, highlighting the contrast between its themes of fragility and protection with the current struggles facing I...
In examining the American Jewish vote in the upcoming elections, the article delves into the complex dynamics between U.S. political candidates' stances on I...