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Gary Rosenblatt

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Between The Lines How 2023’s Dark Cloud Could Yield A Silver Lining 29 Dec 2023
Israel's ability to adapt quickly to crises has been on display recently. The protest movement led by former IDF soldiers, Brothers and Sisters In Arms, shif...
29 Dec 2023
Between The Lines The Grey Lady Should Be Ashamed 27 Dec 2023
The author of this commentary criticizes The New York Times for what they perceive as biased coverage of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. They argue that th...
27 Dec 2023
Between The Lines How To Counter A Tech Culture Damaging Our Children 26 Dec 2023
In a recent talk to concerned Jewish day school parents, social psychologist Jonathan Haidt discussed the epidemic of mental illness among youth and offered ...
26 Dec 2023
Between The Lines Who I’m Following To Better Understand Israel Today 20 Dec 2023
This article provides a list of influential figures to follow in order to gain a better understanding of Israel today. The author emphasizes the importance o...
20 Dec 2023
Between The Lines Spreading The Light: A Chanukah Bonus 7 Dec 2023
This article highlights the significance of Chanukah, the Festival of Lights, arriving during a time of darkness and challenges. It acknowledges the ongoing ...
7 Dec 2023
Between The Lines ‘Israelism:’ A Damning Critique Of How We Teach About Israel 3 Dec 2023
The article discusses the controversial documentary film, "Israelism," which gives voice to young American Jews who criticize the pro-Israel community for no...
3 Dec 2023
Between The Lines With Israel At War, Prayer Helps Me Cope 30 Nov 2023
In this personal essay, the author reflects on the power of prayer in times of distress, drawing inspiration from the experience of Rabbi Joseph B. Soloveitc...
30 Nov 2023
Between The Lines A Message From An IDF Tank Commander 23 Nov 2023
In this open letter from IDF tank commander Itai Simon Tov, he emphasizes the unity and strength of the Jewish people when faced with the threat of Hamas. He...
23 Nov 2023
Between The Lines Holding Complexity: A Lesson We Must Learn From Israel 20 Nov 2023
The article discusses the rise of anti-Semitism and the efforts to justify violence against Jews in the name of Palestine. It highlights the dangerous trend ...
20 Nov 2023
Between The Lines One More Reason Why I Love Jews 13 Nov 2023
The article discusses an upcoming march in Washington, D.C. in support of Israel and the freeing of hostages, with tens of thousands of people expected to at...
13 Nov 2023