Gila Axelrod

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New Voices Diet Culture Has Permeated the Holiest Spaces of Judaism 21 Mar
The author reflects on their experience with fasting in Judaism, initially finding deep spiritual meaning in it but later grappling with its association with...
21 Mar
New Voices Diet Culture Has Permeated the Holiest Spaces of Judaism 21 Mar
The author reflects on their journey with fasting in Judaism, initially finding it spiritually meaningful but later struggling with the influence of diet cul...
21 Mar
New Voices From Campus to Kibbutz: Vivian Silver’s legacy as a Jewish student leader 22 Nov 2023
Vivian Silver, a renowned peace activist, was killed in a Hamas attack in October 2021 at Kibbutz Beeri. Throughout her life, she dedicated herself to foster...
22 Nov 2023
New Voices Choosing to Grieve 28 Jul 2023
The author reflects on their resistance to feeling grief and the importance of embracing it. They attended a gathering on Erev Tisha Bav where participants s...
28 Jul 2023