The article explores the iconic collars of late Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, highlighting their significance as symbols of her legacy and her i...
A poignant poem by a guest contributor reflects on the aftermath of the events of October 7, when tragedy struck and disrupted the lives of many farmers and ...
Judith Rosenbaum, CEO of the Jewish Women's Archive, engages in a discussion with Lilith Magazine staffer Sarah Seltzer regarding her novel, "The Singer Sist...
Lilith magazine invites fiction writers with Jewish and feminist themes to participate in their Annual Fiction Contest. Open from September 1 to December 31,...
"Chrysanthemums" is a deeply personal narrative by Gabrielle Ariella Kaplan-Mayer, detailing her experience during the pandemic as she navigated cancer treat...
The text discusses the ongoing efforts to address sexual abuse in U.S. gymnastics and within the Reform Movement. While significant progress has been made in...
Margit Anna, a Hungarian Jewish artist born in 1913, defied stereotypes and artistic norms prevalent during the conservative, antisemitic era of the early 20...
The text reflects a personal reflection on the author's mother, Rani Stevens Goodman, a photographer who captured images at the Concord Hotel in the Catskill...
The text explores a reexamination of the legacy of Gabrielle Coco Chanel, highlighting her revolutionary contributions to fashion like the little black dress...
The author describes their experience at the White House attending a hearing on conflict-related sexual violence and watching the documentary "Screams Before...