Barcelona, known for its vibrant culture and rich history, is also home to a significant yet distinct Jewish community. While tourists often visit the Gothic...
In recent months, there has been a troubling rise in antisemitism within the healthcare sector in the U.S., exacerbated by the conflict in Israel and attacks...
Judah Roberts, a 16-year-old from Boca Raton with Sephardic ancestry, is leading efforts to preserve the Ladino language and Sephardic culture through the ne...
Deb Bowen, a Christian farmer's daughter, has spearheaded the project "A Book By Me," aiming to preserve Holocaust survivors' stories by pairing middle- and ...
Matthew Fieldman and Charmaine Rice co-founded the Rekindle Fellowship in 2019 to revive the historical Black-Jewish collaborative spirit. They facilitate fa...
The rise of antisemitism in recent years has had a significant psychological impact on Jewish individuals across various age groups, leading to anxiety, disr...
Provence, a region known for its summer heat and picturesque landscapes, was once a vibrant center of French Jewish life, particularly during the period when...
The Hadassah Foundation focuses on advancing gender equity in the United States and Israel, supporting organizations that promote women's rights and address ...