Ilan Stavans

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Tablet Juan Gelman: Four Ladino Poems 12 Apr
Juan Gelman, a renowned Latin American poet, was a Yiddish speaker known for his leftist views that opposed Argentina's military dictatorship. Forced into ex...
12 Apr
Tablet The Holocaust: Two Poems 7 Jan 2016
The text features two poems related to the Holocaust: "Jewish Cemetery (Prague)" by Ida Gramcko and "Poetics" by Jacqueline Goldberg. Gramcko's poem reflects...
7 Jan 2016
Jewish Review of Books Borges, the Jew 27 Feb 2013
Jorge Luis Borges, a renowned Argentinian writer, was accused of being Jewish in a fascist magazine in 1934. He responded wittily, reflecting on the possibil...
27 Feb 2013
Tablet Nobel Soul 13 Oct 2010
Mario Vargas Llosa, the Peruvian Nobel laureate in Literature known for his sprawling novels and essays reflecting on Latin American life, has shown a deep i...
13 Oct 2010