Hunter Biden's memoir "Beautiful Things" serves as a tribute to his late brother Beau Biden and delves into his struggles with addiction, family dynamics, an...
Carmen Winant, a Jewish artist and photographer, has created an installation at the Whitney Biennial titled "The Last Safe Abortion," consisting of 2,500 pho...
Several writers and activists, including Naomi Klein and Michelle Alexander, declined to participate in PEN America's World Voices Festival due to what they ...
The article discusses David Stromberg's work translating Isaac Bashevis Singer's journalistic pieces for the Yiddish Forverts, shedding light on Singer's les...
"A Brutal Design" by Zachary C. Solomon is a debut novel that follows Samuel, a Jewish architecture student in a fascist society who is sent to an experiment...
Harvard professor Derek Penslar faced criticism for his book "Zionism: An Emotional State," which explores the emotions that have influenced Zionist thought ...
The owners of Ayat, a Palestinian restaurant chain in New York City, faced backlash and even death threats for their opposition to Israel's invasion of Gaza....
Tu B'Shvat is a Jewish holiday with agricultural origins, symbolizing the importance of environmental awareness and stewardship in modern times. Originating ...
"The Secret That Is Not a Secret: Ten Heretical Tales" is a collection of short stories by Jay Michaelson that explores the struggles of individuals in Jewis...
Talia Carner's novel, The Boy With the Star Tattoo, has been targeted by a review-bombing campaign on Goodreads. The book portrays Israel's early years and f...