Izabella Tabarovsky

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Tablet Let Russian Jews Lead 8 Nov 2023
The Jewish Parent Academy (JPA) is an organization that aims to empower Russian-speaking Jews in the U.S. to embrace their unique identity and become leaders...
8 Nov 2023
Tablet The Cult of ‘Antizionism’ 20 Sep 2023
The Cult of Antizionism is an article that discusses the establishment of the Institute for the Critical Study of Zionism (ICSZ) by a group of anti-Israel ac...
20 Sep 2023
Tablet Israel, Right or Left 27 Jul 2023
The article discusses the question of whether U.S. military aid to Israel is a right-wing or left-wing issue. The authors argue that the focus should be on t...
27 Jul 2023
Tablet Mahmoud Abbas’ Dissertation 18 Jan 2023
Mahmoud Abbas, the Palestinian leader, wrote a dissertation in 1982 titled "The Relationship Between Zionists and Nazis, 1933-1945." The dissertation was gra...
18 Jan 2023
Tablet Russia’s New Exiles 15 Mar 2022
The Russian government's crackdown on civil society, independent media, and human rights organizations has resulted in the exodus of many prominent figures i...
15 Mar 2022
Tablet Reflections From the Jerusalem Film Festival 1 Nov 2021
The Jerusalem Film Festival returned to in-person viewing this year after being held virtually in 2020 due to the pandemic. The festival implemented strict M...
1 Nov 2021
Tablet The Holocaust That Never Happened 27 Sep 2021
The article discusses the difficulty in communicating the experience of Jews in Soviet territories during the Holocaust. While the experiences of Western Eur...
27 Sep 2021
Tablet ANU, a New Museum of the Jewish People, Opens in Tel Aviv 22 Jul 2021
ANU, the newly opened Museum of the Jewish People in Tel Aviv, aims to explore Jewish identity and celebrate the contributions of Jews to humanity. The museu...
22 Jul 2021
Tablet The New Refuseniks 21 Jun 2021
Club Z is a Zionist club for Russian-speaking American Jewish teens that was founded by Masha Merkulova. It aims to change the conversation about Jewish iden...
21 Jun 2021
Tablet Hijacking History 24 Dec 2020
The article discusses the Leningrad hijacking plot in 1970, where a group of Jewish activists attempted to hijack a Soviet airplane to escape to Israel. This...
24 Dec 2020