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JA Mag

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Jewish Action Modesty in the Modern Age: A Symposium 20 Jun
In a symposium on modesty in the modern age, Rabbi Reuven Brand emphasizes the importance of tzenius for meaningful lives in today's society. The essays in t...
20 Jun
Jewish Action Letters Summer 2024 20 Jun
The letters from the summer 2024 issue discuss various topics in the Jewish community. One letter disagrees with a definition of Chareidi as being opposed to...
20 Jun
Jewish Action Excerpt: “Night and Day” from Letters to President Clinton 18 Apr
Senator Joe Lieberman contributed a Torah-based essay to a book called Letters to President ClintonBiblical Lessons on Faith and Leadership, a compilation of...
18 Apr
Jewish Action Personal Memories of Joseph Lieberman 18 Apr
Prominent figures in the Jewish community and beyond have shared heartwarming stories highlighting the kindness and menschlichkeit of the late Joseph Lieberm...
18 Apr
Jewish Action Responding to Tragedy: An Historical Approach 9 Mar
Dr. Henry Abramson discusses how Jewish communities historically responded to tragedies with creativity and innovation, citing examples such as the establish...
9 Mar
Jewish Action Letters – Spring 2024 9 Mar
A hakaras hatov letter expresses gratitude to Jewish Action for initiating a program that fostered meaningful learning relationships for Jewish individuals w...
9 Mar
Jewish Action New From OU Press – Spring 2024 9 Mar
"Hasidus Meets America: The Life and Torah of the Monastryshcher Rebbe" by Professor Ora Wiskind sheds light on Rabbi Yehoshua Heschel Rabinowitz, a Chassidi...
9 Mar
Jewish Action Remembering Rose Lubin 25 Dec 2023
Staff Sgt. Rose Lubin, a Border Police officer in Jerusalem's Old City precinct, was killed in a stabbing attack. In memory of her, a gathering was held wher...
25 Dec 2023
Jewish Action The Unity of a Nation 3 Dec 2023
During Israel's 2023 war, an unprecedented display of chesed, ahavat Yisrael, and achdut was seen globally, with Jews from diverse backgrounds coming togethe...
3 Dec 2023
Jewish Action Beyond the Frontlines: OU Uniting to Help Our Community in Crisis 3 Dec 2023
The Orthodox Union (OU) has been actively supporting and assisting the Jewish community in Israel during the recent crisis. They have raised over $2 million ...
3 Dec 2023