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JA Mag

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Jewish Action Celebrating 100 Years of OU Kosher 7 Dec 2022
The article discusses the celebration of the 100th anniversary of OU Kosher, an organization that certifies kosher food. It includes various sections, such a...
7 Dec 2022
Jewish Action OU Kosher Through the Decades: A Timeline 7 Dec 2022
The article provides a timeline of significant milestones in the history of Orthodox Union (OU) Kosher. It begins in the early 20th century when the OU start...
7 Dec 2022
Jewish Action OU Kosher: The Inside Story 7 Dec 2022
"The OU Kosher: The Inside Story" is an article published by the Orthodox Union (OU) that provides an overview of their kosher certification process. They em...
7 Dec 2022
Jewish Action Meet the Mashgichim 7 Dec 2022
This article discusses the role of mashgichim (kosher supervisors) in ensuring that food establishments comply with kosher dietary laws. Mashgichim are respo...
7 Dec 2022
Jewish Action Legends in the Kosher World 7 Dec 2022
In this article, the author discusses the concept of legends in the kosher world. Legends are stories that circulate within the Jewish community about specif...
7 Dec 2022
Jewish Action Photo Essay: From Our Archives 7 Dec 2022
This photo essay showcases a collection of ads from past and present Jewish publications, including the Orthodox Union (OU) National Convention program in 19...
7 Dec 2022
Jewish Action The Future of Food 7 Dec 2022
In this article, the Orthodox Union explores the future of food and its implications for Jewish dietary laws. It highlights how advancements in technology, s...
7 Dec 2022
Jewish Action OU Kosher: Facts and Figures 7 Dec 2022
This article discusses the Orthodox Union's (OU) Kosher certification program and provides some facts and figures related to its operations. The OU is one of...
7 Dec 2022
Jewish Action Letters – Winter 2022 7 Dec 2022
Several letters in this issue of Jewish Action address the topic of the teacher shortage in Jewish day schools. Retired teachers are proposed as a valuable r...
7 Dec 2022
Jewish Action Put Safety First This Sukkot 6 Oct 2022
The Orthodox Union (OU) has launched a safety initiative to promote the use of reflective belts during the Yamim Tovim season, specifically Sukkot, to combat...
6 Oct 2022