Jacob Siegel

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Tablet What Is a Boogaloo? 14 Jan 2021
The Boogaloo movement is a loosely connected network of young men who are anti-government, anti-police, and obsessed with an imminent civil war. They have be...
14 Jan 2021
Tablet Bob Dylan’s ‘Neighborhood Bully’ Gets Memory-Holed 22 Dec 2020
The author discusses their frustration in not being able to find Bob Dylan's song "Neighborhood Bully" on YouTube due to it being labeled as hate speech. The...
22 Dec 2020
Tablet Joe Rogan Is the Aleph 5 Nov 2020
The article discusses Joe Rogan and his significance in American politics. It argues that Rogan represents a portal through which one can glimpse the America...
5 Nov 2020
Tablet The Narcissism of The New York Times’ Foreign Coverage 28 Oct 2020
This article criticizes The New York Times for its coverage of foreign events, arguing that the paper often downplays important details and frames stories to...
28 Oct 2020
Tablet Max Rose Comes Late to the Party 13 Oct 2020
Max Rose, a Democratic congressman and former army infantry officer, is running for re-election in a crucial swing district. He describes himself as a centri...
13 Oct 2020
Tablet Left Heretics and the New Media Collective 15 Sep 2020
This article discusses the phenomenon of left-wing heretics within the media industry, focusing on the case of reporter Lee Fang. Fang, known for his progres...
15 Sep 2020
Tablet America’s Superdense Foreign Policy Black Hole 4 Aug 2020
The author argues that the war in Afghanistan has no strategic purpose or prospect of victory, and is mainly beneficial for military contractors and politici...
4 Aug 2020
Tablet Google Censorship Is a Danger to Public Health 14 Jul 2020
This article discusses the dangers of Google's censorship and how it can affect public health. The author argues that the internet is not separate from real ...
14 Jul 2020
Tablet The New Truth 22 Jun 2020
The author reflects on the decline of rational argumentation in America and the rise of a new mode of argumentation that combines rationalism with religious ...
22 Jun 2020
Tablet The Prophet 6 Jan 2020
Devorah Halberstam, co-founder of the Jewish Children's Museum in Brooklyn, became involved in counterterrorism efforts after her son Ari was murdered in a t...
6 Jan 2020