Jennifer Richler

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Tablet Cooking Up a Diverse Community 19 Feb 2019
Simone Weichselbaum, a half Jamaican, half German-Jewish woman, founded Kugel in response to feeling out of place in her fianc's homogeneous Jewish community...
19 Feb 2019
Tablet Finding a New Path 16 Nov 2018
A recent report commissioned by the Israeli nonprofit Out For Change sheds light on the growing trend of individuals leaving the ultra-Orthodox Haredi commun...
16 Nov 2018
Tablet What Happened to Israel’s ‘New Haredim’? 1 Feb 2018
The ultra-Orthodox community in Israel was once seen as integrating more into modern Israeli society, but this trend has stalled recently, with a plateau in ...
1 Feb 2018
Tablet A Place for the Disabled: on Stage and Screen 14 Dec 2017
Jewish organizations are at the forefront of advocating for greater inclusion of people with physical and cognitive disabilities in all spheres of life, part...
14 Dec 2017
Tablet You’ve Made Aliyah. Now What? 18 Oct 2017
After facing challenges like unemployment and healthcare issues, LiAmi Lawrence founded Keep Olim in Israel to support immigrants due to the difficulties the...
18 Oct 2017
Tablet Saying No to Kids 11 Jul 2017
In Israel, the societal emphasis on motherhood is strong due to reasons like religious beliefs, historical trauma, and demographic concerns. Orna Donath, a s...
11 Jul 2017
Tablet Why I Stopped Saying the Unetaneh Tokef, and Why I’m Ready To Say It Again 24 Sep 2014
The author recounts their personal struggle with reciting the prayer Unetaneh Tokef after the tragic death of their mother, feeling conflicted by its percept...
24 Sep 2014