"Drive-Away Dolls" is a film directed by Ethan Coen, known for his work on acclaimed movies with his brother Joel. The movie, set in December 1999, follows l...
"For Black Boys Who Have Considered Suicide When The Hue Gets Too Heavy" by Ryan Calais Cameron is lauded as an essential and remarkable theatrical productio...
A humorous and poignant account is given of a friendship between the writer and a former army paratrooper who is struggling with alcoholism and health issues...
The text discusses the idea that caste theory, rather than racism, may be the root of persecution faced by Jews, African Americans, and India's Dalits. Ava D...
Tim Price's play at the National Theatre delves into the life of Aneurin Bevan, the creator of the NHS, portrayed with humor and humanity by Michael Sheen. S...
"Dune Part 2" is a visually stunning film that continues the saga with awe-inspiring desert landscapes and impressive set pieces. The movie focuses on Timoth...
Set in 1948, Lucy Kirkwood's play "The Human Body" combines romanticism with the establishment of the National Health Service (NHS), featuring Keeley Hawes a...
"Lisa Frankenstein" is a film directed by Zelda Williams featuring a 1980s loner schoolgirl who befriends a deceased pianist that comes back to life in a cem...
The play "Nachtland" explores the discovery of a painting signed by A. Hitler in a German family's attic, leading to complex dynamics and moral dilemmas amon...
"Wicked Little Letters" is a period comedy film set in the 1920s that revolves around a series of anonymous insulting letters received by a pious resident in...