Jon Kalish

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Forward How a pair of visionary Jews found a link between Jewish and Native American cultures 17 May
Jerome Rothenberg, a renowned poet with Jewish roots, collaborated with composer Charlie Morrow for nearly 60 years, intertwining their Jewish and Indigenous...
17 May
Forward This 100-year-old Jewish activist is speaking up again — this time about Gaza 4 May
Jules Rabin, a 100-year-old Jewish activist from Vermont, protested the war in Gaza on his 100th birthday, drawing parallels between the Palestinians' situat...
4 May
JTA Jerome Rothenberg, Bronx-born poet whose ‘ethnopoetics’ inspired scholars and rock stars, dies at 92 29 Apr
Jerome Rothenberg, a renowned poet who hailed from the Bronx and delved into the poetry and traditions of non-Western cultures, passed away at 92 in Californ...
29 Apr
JTA Just in time for Purim, local businesses offer Jewish revelers pricey IV hangover ‘cures’ 21 Mar
Businesses like Park Ave Drips are offering pricey IV hangover cures just in time for Purim, aimed at alleviating the effects of excessive drinking during th...
21 Mar
JTA A tiny Orthodox synagogue, a relic of the old Jewish Lower East Side, struggles to survive 1 Feb
The Agudath Israel Youth of Manhattan, a small Orthodox synagogue on the Lower East Side of New York City, is at risk of losing its minyan, the quorum needed...
1 Feb
Forward For an Israeli Chicago Bulls' fan slain on Oct. 7, a final gift from that team's star forward 5 Jan
DeMar DeRozan, the star forward for the Chicago Bulls, honored the memory of an Israeli basketball fan who was murdered at a rave by signing a specially-made...
5 Jan
JTA Ruth Seymour, public radio pioneer devoted to Jewish culture, dies at 88 26 Dec 2023
Ruth Seymour, a pioneer of public radio and a devoted supporter of Jewish culture, has passed away at the age of 88. As the general manager of the Los Angele...
26 Dec 2023
JTA A new play tells the true story of a former Hasid who translated the New Testament into Yiddish 21 Dec 2023
"The Gospel According to Chaim" is a new Yiddish-language play based on the true story of Chaim Einspruch, a former Hasidic man who translated the New Testam...
21 Dec 2023
Forward In a blockbuster film about the Ukrainian Robin Hood, the Baal Shem Tov makes his debut 8 Nov 2023
In a new costume drama set in 18th-century Ukraine titled "Dovbush," the Baal Shem Tov, founder of Hasidic Judaism, makes his screen debut. The film follows ...
8 Nov 2023
Forward It was one of the strangest Jewish records ever made — good luck finding a way to listen to it 16 Oct 2023
The Whitney Museum is showcasing a new Harry Smith exhibit, featuring an LP of recordings made with Lower East Side Rabbi Nuftali Zvi Margolies in the 1950s....
16 Oct 2023