Irving Penn, a renowned American fashion photographer, captured the essence of the Summer of Love in San Francisco in 1967, photographing iconic figures like...
Pinny Bulman's newest poetry book, "Old Shul," explores his boyhood growing up in the once-thriving Jewish neighborhood of Washington Heights in northern Man...
"I Wanted to Be a Man With a Gun" is a documentary film by Bill Farley that explores the experiences of three American soldiers, Paul Mico, Harold Kozloff, a...
The article discusses two television series, "The Patients of Dr. Garcia" and "Transatlantic," and their portrayal of fascism. It also references Hannah Aren...
This article discusses the celebration of James Joyce's novel Ulysses and its character, Leopold Bloom, within the Jewish community. Bloom is often regarded ...
Harvey Wasserman, author of "The Peoples Spiral of U.S. History," discusses his unique and fiery history book that covers six periods of American history. Wa...
In her book "Maoism: A Global History," Julia Lovell explores the enduring influence of Chairman Mao and his revolutionary ideas. Lovell examines how Mao sha...
In Berkeley, there is an ongoing dispute over the future of Peoples Park, a historical site that was once a symbol of counterculture in the 1960s but has sin...
Peoples Park in Berkeley has a complex history as a politically charged and historically significant site. In 1969, a violent confrontation between street pe...
The article discusses the historical treatment and portrayal of Native Americans in the United States. It highlights how American Indians have often been mis...