Tensions between Israel and Jordan reached a crisis point following a fatal shooting at the Israeli embassy in Amman. The incident, involving an Israeli secu...
Israel is facing an escalating strategic threat from Iran's efforts to establish a land corridor through Iraq and Syria to Lebanon, which would position Iran...
The creators of "Homeland" made significant changes in its sixth season to avoid criticism of Islamophobia. The show shifted to portray white males as the vi...
Israel, currently facing no immediate strategic threats, features a play adapted from David Grossman's novel "To the End of the Land," a pessimistic take on ...
Moshe Yaalon, former Defense Minister of Israel, has declared his intention to challenge Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu for the country's top position in ...
The documentary "The Ballad of Huma and Bad, Bad Anthony Weiner" follows the downfall of former Congressman Anthony Weiner, known for his sexting scandals, a...
"Eye in the Sky" is a gripping film that delves into the moral complexities of drone warfare, focusing on a high-stakes mission aimed at capturing terrorists...
"Spotlight" is a powerful film that portrays the Boston Globe's investigative team, Spotlight, uncovering the sexual abuse of children by priests in the Bost...
The article discusses the controversy surrounding the Metropolitan Opera's staging of "The Death of Klinghoffer," focusing on the reactions to the opera abou...
Errol Morris interviewed Donald Rumsfeld for 33 hours for his documentary "The Unknown Known," exploring the former Secretary of Defense's role in the Iraq w...