The Sunflower House by Adriana Allegri is a compelling historical fiction novel set against the backdrop of Nazi Germany's notorious Lebensborn program, with...
Bruce Eric Kaplan’s memoir, "They Went Another Way," chronicles his frustrating experiences in Hollywood as he struggles to get a series greenlit. Known for ...
Ronald H. Balson's latest novel, "A Place to Hide," explores the harrowing narrative of Dutch WWII resistance through the lens of Theodore (Teddy) Hartigan, ...
"Rubble Children: Seven and a Half Stories" by Aaron Kreuter explores the community, rituals, politics, and internal conflicts within a fictional Reform syna...
"Irena's Gift: An Epic World War II Memoir of Sisters, Secrets, and Survival" by Karen Kirsten explores the experiences of Polish Jewish survivors and their ...
"Goyhood" is Reuven Fenton's debut novel following the lives of twin brothers David and Marty Belkin from adolescence in New Moab, Georgia to middle age, whe...
Barbara Walters, known for her groundbreaking career as a television journalist, is explored in the biography "The Rulebreaker" by Susan Page. Walters' impac...
Deborah Zoe Laufer's play "The Last Yiddish Speaker" presents a dystopian world where a Christian Nationalist surveillance state targets Jews, gays, and wome...
In "The Holocaust: An Unfinished History," Dan Stone challenges common misconceptions about the Holocaust, arguing that it was not solely a German project bu...
"Lovers in Auschwitz" by Keren Blankfeld tells the true story of David Wisnia, a Polish Jew and talented singer, and Helen Zippi Spitzer, a Slovakian Jew, wh...