Julia M. Klein

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Forward On the road again — except a lot more Jewish than Jack Kerouac, or T.S. Eliot for that matter 30 May
"Goyhood" is Reuven Fenton's debut novel following the lives of twin brothers David and Marty Belkin from adolescence in New Moab, Georgia to middle age, whe...
30 May
Forward How Barbara Walters changed the world 22 Apr
Barbara Walters, known for her groundbreaking career as a television journalist, is explored in the biography "The Rulebreaker" by Susan Page. Walters' impac...
22 Apr
Forward In a Christian Nationalist surveillance state, the few remaining Jews struggle to survive 8 Apr
Deborah Zoe Laufer's play "The Last Yiddish Speaker" presents a dystopian world where a Christian Nationalist surveillance state targets Jews, gays, and wome...
8 Apr
Forward What we keep getting wrong about the Holocaust 7 Feb
In "The Holocaust: An Unfinished History," Dan Stone challenges common misconceptions about the Holocaust, arguing that it was not solely a German project bu...
7 Feb
Forward Auschwitz would seem an unlikely backdrop for a love affair, yet this is a true story 23 Jan
"Lovers in Auschwitz" by Keren Blankfeld tells the true story of David Wisnia, a Polish Jew and talented singer, and Helen Zippi Spitzer, a Slovakian Jew, wh...
23 Jan
Forward Her family escaped from pogroms to South Dakota — did they become complicit in the decimation of Native Americans? 20 Oct 2023
"Rebecca Clarren's book 'The Cost of Free Land' explores her Jewish family's history in South Dakota as beneficiaries of land taken from the Lakota people, p...
20 Oct 2023
Forward Finally, her quest for restitution from Germany succeeded — but at what psychological cost? 1 Aug 2023
Joanne Intrator, a New York psychiatrist and daughter of German Jewish refugees, embarked on a challenging journey to seek restitution from Germany for the f...
1 Aug 2023
Forward A week as a hostage on a hijacked plane, a lifetime of anxiety and traumatic memories 22 Jun 2023
Martha Hodes recounts her experience being held hostage at age 12 on a hijacked plane by the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine in 1970. The traum...
22 Jun 2023
Forward How Leonard Bernstein embraced his Jewishness — and changed the world 29 Oct 2021
Leonard Bernstein, a renowned musician, embraced his Jewish heritage throughout his career, despite early pressures to change his name. He incorporated Hebre...
29 Oct 2021