Julius Berman

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Jewish Action Memories of “Joe” 24 Nov 2020
Rabbi Joseph Karasick, former president of the Orthodox Union (OU), passed away at the age of ninety-eight. He was a mentor and leader who played a significa...
24 Nov 2020
Jewish Action A Personal Reminiscence 27 Aug 2015
Rav Betzalel Zolty, in a eulogy for Rav Elimelech Bar-Shaul, referred to the unique bond between individuals like brothers, highlighting the irreplaceable na...
27 Aug 2015
Jewish Action A Personal Reminiscence 27 Aug 2015
Rav Betzalel Zolty, chief rabbi of Jerusalem, compared his deep sense of loss upon the passing of his colleague, Rav Elimelech Bar-Shaul, to Dovid HaMelech's...
27 Aug 2015