Katherine Dee

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Tablet How to Get Excommunicated in 2023 30 Jun 2023
A college student and devout Lutheran, Ryan Turnipseed, faced the possibility of excommunication by his church after criticizing the church's new edition of ...
30 Jun 2023
Tablet Who Does Saudi Better: Google or Reddit? 22 May 2023
The author discusses their pre-trip research about Saudi Arabia using Google, Reddit, and TikTok. Google's results warned about government surveillance and c...
22 May 2023
Tablet Among the Spiritual Psychotics 26 Jan 2023
The text discusses the phenomenon of manifestation, wherein individuals attempt to will their ideal reality into existence through techniques like visualizat...
26 Jan 2023
Tablet The Post-Human Economy 11 Jan 2023
The article discusses the rise of AI-generated content and its potential impact on various industries. It highlights the prevalence of bot-generated content ...
11 Jan 2023
Tablet Better Living Through Body Surveillance 1 Dec 2022
Femtech, a subset of the health technology field focused on women's health, is experiencing significant growth in the market. The rise of self-optimization a...
1 Dec 2022
Tablet The Crushing Loneliness of the Girl Boss 15 Nov 2022
The COVID-19 lockdowns have exposed the loneliness and dissatisfaction experienced by many independent women. The pandemic has caused people to reevaluate th...
15 Nov 2022