Ken Silverman

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The Beinart Notebook Where is the Biden Administration’s Self-Respect? 4 Mar
The text discusses the current situation in Gaza, where Israel's policies are leading to starvation and a lack of aid reaching the people due to restrictions...
4 Mar
The Beinart Notebook Biden and Gaza: Is Cruelty the Point? 29 Jan
The author addresses the moral inconsistency of the Biden administration's policies towards Gaza. Despite being seen as the "good guys" in American politics,...
29 Jan
The Beinart Notebook Jewish Scholars vs. Jewish Donors on Antisemitism 22 Jan
This text discusses the divide among American Jews regarding the definition of antisemitism and the role of scholars and donors in shaping this discourse. Th...
22 Jan
The Beinart Notebook Challenging Israel’s Legitimacy Also Challenges America’s 8 Jan
The text discusses the intense reaction in the United States to pro-Palestine activism and suggests that it stems from a fear that challenging Israel's legit...
8 Jan
The Beinart Notebook Who Will Deradicalize Us? 2 Jan
The author discusses the concept of "deradicalization" in the context of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, prompted by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's ca...
2 Jan
The Beinart Notebook Elise Stefanik, University Presidents, and the Politics of Distraction 11 Dec 2023
The author discusses the strategy used by establishment American Jewish organizations to shift the focus of conversations about Israel away from the actions ...
11 Dec 2023
The Beinart Notebook American Words vs. American Deeds 4 Dec 2023
This video discusses the ongoing conflict in Gaza and the role of the Biden administration in relation to Israel. It highlights the high level of dislocation...
4 Dec 2023