Laura E. Adkins

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Forward What is the ‘March for Israel’ really for? 13 Nov 2023
On November 14, a pro-Israel rally took place on the National Mall, organized by the Jewish Federations of North America and the Conference of Presidents of ...
13 Nov 2023
Forward War is bad for tourism. But one Palestinian hotel owner remains optimistic about the future in Jerusalem 29 Oct 2023
Sami Abu Dayyeh, a Palestinian hotel owner in Jerusalem, remains optimistic about the future despite ongoing conflict. He believes that resistance against oc...
29 Oct 2023
Forward From a kabbalist’s grave to a destroyed kibbutz: Inside an IDF press tour 23 Oct 2023
A journalist recounts her experience on an official press tour of Kibbutz Beeri, the site of a Hamas attack that killed 108 people. The tour begins and ends ...
23 Oct 2023
Forward ‘You feel invisible’: Israeli Bedouins fear rockets and apathy 19 Oct 2023
Israeli Bedouins living in unrecognized areas in the Negev desert lack the safety and security that most Israelis take for granted. With no access to the Iro...
19 Oct 2023
Forward They were wounded in combat and terror attacks. Now, they’re aiding the latest victims of Hamas 16 Oct 2023
BeLev Echad, an organization that equips wounded IDF soldiers to help newly wounded soldiers rehabilitate, is providing support to victims of the recent Hama...
16 Oct 2023
Forward ‘At least we know that she’s alive’: The family of a young woman captured by Hamas insists on hope 13 Oct 2023
Inbar Haiman, a 28-year-old woman from Israel, was captured by Hamas terrorists at a music festival. The festival was attacked by terrorists, resulting in th...
13 Oct 2023
Forward ‘He lived such a full life’: In a city on a hilltop, a family mourns its oldest son 11 Oct 2023
The article tells the story of Ariel Eliyahu, a 19-year-old IDF soldier who was killed while fighting Hamas. Ariel was described as sweet, smart, and deeply ...
11 Oct 2023
Forward Instead of dancing with the Torah, we are under attack 7 Oct 2023
On the day when Israelis typically celebrate and dance with the Torah, the country instead experienced a multi-front terrorist attack. As rockets continue to...
7 Oct 2023
Forward I left the Hasidic world three years ago. This time of year, I dearly miss it 6 Oct 2023
In this personal reflection, the author, who left the Orthodox Hasidic community three years ago, expresses their longing and nostalgia for the sense of comm...
6 Oct 2023
Forward Watch: What happens next with Israel's judicial overhaul? 11 Sep 2023
In a wide-ranging conversation, Daniel Gordis and Dahlia Scheindlin joined Forward's opinion editor, Laura E. Adkins, to discuss the potential outcomes of Is...
11 Sep 2023