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Leah Sarna

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Jewish Review of Books An Unusable Past? 15 Jul
In Rachel Elior's book "The Unknown History of Jewish Women through the Ages," she delves into the exclusion of women from Jewish education and the impact of...
15 Jul
Lehrhaus Put a Mirror on Your Seder Table 14 Apr
The article emphasizes the importance of including the stories of enslaved Jewish women in the Passover Seder narrative, focusing on the challenges faced by ...
14 Apr
Lehrhaus Catastrophic Miracles and Miraculous Catastrophes: The Torah of Pregnancy in Tazria and Toldot 19 Dec 2023
This article explores the contrasting experiences of pregnancy as both a miraculous and catastrophic event. It examines the stories of pregnancy in Parashat ...
19 Dec 2023
Jewish Review of Books “I Will Not Speak to Dullards” 6 Apr 2022
This text is a personal reflection on the author's discovery of their eighteenth-century great-grandmother, Leah Horowitz, who was a scholar and writer of wo...
6 Apr 2022
Lehrhaus Torah u-Madda for All? 28 Mar 2022
This article explores the concept of Torah u-Madda, the integration of Torah and secular studies, and the challenges it faces in the Modern Orthodox communit...
28 Mar 2022
Jewish Review of Books Persian Daughters of Israel 8 Sep 2021
"The Talmud's Red Fence" by Shai Secunda explores how Jews in Sasanian Persia compared their menstrual practices with their non-Jewish neighbors and how thes...
8 Sep 2021
Lehrhaus An Alternative History of American Modern Orthodoxy 15 Feb 2017
In this symposium on gender roles in Orthodox Judaism, Leah Sarna raises the hypothetical scenario of Rabbi Joseph Ber Soloveitchik being born a woman and ho...
15 Feb 2017