Lev Golinkin

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Forward Canada’s House Speaker resigns over celebration of 98-year-old who fought in Nazi unit 26 Sep 2023
The Speaker of Canada's House of Commons resigned following a scandal surrounding his leading a standing ovation for a 98-year-old Ukrainian immigrant who wa...
26 Sep 2023
Forward Trudeau apologizes for ovation to 98-year-old Ukrainian who fought in Nazi unit 26 Sep 2023
Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and House Speaker Anthony Rota have apologized for leading a standing ovation in Parliament to a 98-year-old Ukrainian...
26 Sep 2023
Forward Zelenskyy joins Canadian Parliament's ovation to 98-year-old veteran who fought with Nazis 24 Sep 2023
The Canadian Parliament honored 98-year-old Ukrainian immigrant Yaroslav Hunka, a veteran who fought with the SS Galichina, a unit associated with Nazi war c...
24 Sep 2023
Forward Nazi collaborator monuments around the world 27 Jan 2021
The Forward published an investigative project documenting the presence of monuments worldwide to individuals involved in the Holocaust, such as Philippe Pta...
27 Jan 2021