Excitement surrounds the upcoming U.S. release of "Kugel," a spinoff of the popular Israeli series "Shtisel," set to stream on IZZY in early 2025. This prequ...
Disney's animated series, SuperKitties, features a charming Hanukkah episode titled "Hanukkah Rescue." In this segment, superhero kittens Ginny, Sparks, Budd...
The Maccabeats, the renowned Jewish a cappella group, have released a Hanukkah rendition inspired by "Defying Gravity" from the musical Wicked, infusing it w...
Hallmark's 2024 Hanukkah offering, "Hanukkah on the Rocks," is a charming film that reimagines typical Hallmark romance with a Jewish twist. The movie center...
Cantor Azi Schwartz of Park Avenue Synagogue is renowned for his creative renditions of Jewish prayers, setting them to popular music themes. His latest proj...
In light of the emerging trend in 2025 towards gender-neutral and once traditionally male names for girls, Jewish naming conventions might see some interesti...
Six13, renowned for its Jewish holiday parodies, released a Hanukkah medley based on the musical "Wicked," originally composed by Jewish Broadway icon Steven...
The latest episode of Disney+'s Mickey Mouse Funhouse introduces viewers to a Jewish character, Hilda, in a segment called "Hanukkah at Hilda's." As Mickey a...
Parents looking to share Hanukkah spirit with children have a plethora of streaming options with delightful Jewish episodes from popular kids' shows. Disney ...
Marc Summers, famed for hosting Nickelodeon's 'Double Dare,' is making a debut in acting with a Jewish-themed role. Born Marc Berkowitz, Summers once conside...