The upcoming biopic "Lee" focuses on the life of American photographer Lee Miller during World War II and post-WWII, highlighting her powerful and groundbrea...
For Amazon Prime Day, a variety of Jewish items are on sale, such as cookbooks like "Shabbat" by Adeena Sussman and books like "We Were the Lucky Ones" by Ge...
Richard Simmons, the beloved fitness guru who recently passed away, was known for his colorful personality, passion for fitness, and kindness towards others....
Dr. Ruth Westheimer, a renowned sex therapist and Holocaust survivor, passed away at age 96, leaving a lasting impact on American society. Born in Germany to...
"Night Therapy," the new Israeli TV show starring Shira Haas, has garnered early accolades and attention. The series follows Luai Louie Mansour, played by Yo...
Actor and former Disney star Raviv Ullman, also known as Ricky Ullman, has recently become a Jewish father with his wife, Julia Pott, who is an animator and ...
Jewish Broadway star Julie Benko and her husband, Jason Yaeger, are expecting their first child. Benko, known for her performance in "Funny Girl," announced ...
Andy Cohen, the host of Watch What Happens Live! and producer, attributes his strong Jewish identity to his mother Evelyn, citing her resilience and pride as...
Abraham Marley, the grandson of Bob Marley and son of Ziggy Marley, recently celebrated his bar mitzvah. Ziggy Marley and his wife, Orly, embrace both Rastaf...
In July, Jewish TV offerings include "Lady in the Lake," a 60s thriller on Apple TV+ starring Natalie Portman and directed by Israeli filmmaker Alma Harel. O...