The upcoming documentary "Diane von Furstenberg: Woman in Charge" directed by Trish Dalton and Sharmeen Obaid-Chinoy follows the life of the iconic Jewish de...
Thomas Kail, known for directing musicals like "In the Heights" and "Hamilton," as well as the TV show "Fosse/Verdon," recently worked on the Hulu series "We...
Steph and Ayesha Curry recently welcomed their fourth child, Caius Chai Curry. While the Currys are Pentecostal Christian, the name Chai holds significance i...
Jewish model Sofia Richie Grainge, married to Jewish record producer Elliot Grange, welcomed their daughter Eloise Samantha Grange, following the tradition o...
"Queen of the Deuce" is a documentary celebrating the life of Chelly Wilson, a Sephardi Jewish woman who owned a chain of porn theaters in 1970s New York Cit...
"The Big Cigar" on Apple TV+ follows the story of a fake film production aiding Black Panthers founder Huey P. Newton's escape to Cuba. Although the Jewish i...
In celebration of Jewish American Heritage Month, a list of 17 appetizing kids' books about Jewish food is highlighted, ranging from Ashkenazi classics to di...
The Israeli comedy show "The Jews Are Coming" aired a sketch addressing intergenerational Jewish trauma following a recent tragic event on October 7. The emo...
Israeli pop star Mergui, known for his standout performances on Next Star for Eurovision and his hit songs, recently debuted on the Today show with his new E...
Idris Elba surprises audiences by praising gefilte fish in the Knuckles series on Paramount+, where he voices Knuckles the Echidna alongside Adam Pally's cha...