This year, Six13, a Jewish a cappella group, released a Purim song medley that is different from the usual parodies due to the current challenges facing Isra...
The second season of "Life & Beth" deepens its exploration of Jewish themes while balancing humor and darkness, addressing heavy topics such as sexual assaul...
With Purim approaching, the article presents five Hamantaschen recipes that aim to prevent the common issue of cookies exploding in the oven. Different takes...
Helena Bonham Carter, known for her captivating roles in various films, particularly shines in the biopic "One Life" as Barbara Winton, a woman who assisted ...
Actor Nate Mann, who portrayed Lt. Robert Rosie Rosenthal in the Apple TV+ show Masters of the Air, discussed his Jewish heritage and the personal connection...
"One Life" is a poignant biopic about Holocaust hero Nicholas Winton, who saved 669 mostly Jewish children during the Holocaust through the Kindertransport. ...
The final episode of the Apple TV+ series "Masters of the Air" features a poignant Jewish scene where Lieutenant Colonel Rosie Rosenthal, a Jewish American h...
The writer, an Israeli-American immigrant, reflects on their accent and fear of being perceived as a foreigner due to their proficient English, lacking a dis...
Rama Burshtein is celebrated as the queen of complex Haredi love stories through her acclaimed works like "Fill the Void," "The Wedding Plan," and now "Fire ...
Israel's 2024 Eurovision entry, "Hurricane" by Eden Golan, stands out as a dramatic power ballad with somber and dark tones, differing from previous more upb...