Many iconic Halloween songs have surprising Jewish origins, demonstrating the significant contributions of Jewish musicians to this spooky genre. Jewish comp...
Idina Menzel, renowned for her roles in "Wicked" and "Frozen," was honored with the 2022 National Medal of the Arts by President Joe Biden, in recognition of...
Rachel Bloom's new Netflix special, "Death, Let Me Do My Show," delves into mortality through a Jewish lens despite her atheism. Although Bloom frequently as...
"Nobody Wants This," Netflix's new comedy featuring Adam Brody as a rabbi in love with a non-Jewish woman, has quickly gained popularity, leading to its rene...
Adrien Brody returns to a familiar narrative with "The Brutalist", portraying a Hungarian Jewish Holocaust survivor and architect named László Tóth. Directed...
Fans of the Netflix show "Nobody Wants This" may find themselves yearning for more Jewish romance, whether centered around intriguing "hot rabbis," dynamic J...
Rachel Bloom and her husband Dan Gregor are developing a new show titled "Do You Want Kids?," now in the works with ABC. This show explores alternate realiti...
Erin Foster, the creative mind behind the TV show "Nobody Wants This," draws heavily from her own life experiences in crafting the narrative of a Jewish rabb...
Jonah Platt, known for his role in Wicked and being part of a talented family including his brothers Ben and Henry Platt, has launched a podcast called "Bein...
Lior Raz from "Fauda," Oscar-winner Dustin Hoffman, and famed actress Tovah Feldshuh are coming together in a new film titled "Tuner," directed by Daniel Roh...