The article discusses the most anticipated Jewish-themed TV shows of 2024. Some notable new shows include "We Were the Lucky Ones," based on a novel about Ho...
In his comedy special "Born on 3rd Base," Gary Gulman tackles Jewish stereotypes with sharp humor. The special emphasizes Gulman's Jewish identity, highlight...
Author Taffy Brodesser-Akner, known for her book and limited series Fleishman Is In Trouble, has a new Jewish-themed book called Long Island Compromise comin...
"The Anne Frank Gift Shop" is a dark comedy film that explores the question of how to sell the memory of the Holocaust to a younger generation. The film high...
Rachel is a popular name in the Jewish community, and January 4 is celebrated as National Rachel Day. The reason behind this day is unclear, but it may be in...
"Albert Brooks: Defending My Life Is an Ode to a Truly Unique Jewish Genius" is a documentary that explores the life and career of Albert Brooks, a Jewish co...
In a recent episode of the PBS show Finding Your Roots, singer-songwriter Alanis Morissette discovers her Jewish heritage for the first time at the age of 28...
Jerry Seinfeld and his family visited Israel to meet with the families of Israeli hostages who were taken by Hamas. Seinfeld, who volunteered in a kibbutz in...
Kveller reflects on the top Jewish stories of 2023, including a guide for parents on discussing Israel with their children, popular TV shows and movies such ...
The article highlights the best Jewish television shows and movies of 2023. The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel is praised for its final season, which offers a satisfy...