William Pachner, a renowned artist known for his work as Esquire's art director and his influential World War II illustrations, has died at the age of 102. P...
Thirteen-year-old Noah Kales, a Jewish jiu-jitsu prodigy from Toronto, defies stereotypes with his impressive achievements in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, having won...
Lev Berenshteyn, a Jewish refugee from Uzbekistan, has created a personal homage to the Statue of Liberty in his Sheepshead Bay, Brooklyn yard. Teaming up wi...
Joshua Rocco, an 18-year-old Jewish hockey player from New Jersey, finds himself in the unlikely environment of Sugar Land, Texas, as part of the Sugar Land ...
In a unique tribute to the resilience of survivors, Saul Dreier, a Holocaust survivor, formed a klezmer band to honor Alice Herz-Sommer, a fellow survivor re...
This article from Tablet magazine explores the journey of Seth Rogen, a prominent Jewish actor and filmmaker, as a figure representing the evolution of Jewis...
The article profiles Ran Nakash and Itay Danenberg, Israeli Krav Maga masters, as they conduct Krav Maga seminars in New York City. Krav Maga, the self-defen...
The article explores the transformation of the basketball program at Abraham Joshua Heschel School in New York City, engineered by athletic director Larry Ri...
The Chassidic House Party, a brief yet impactful music ensemble, captivated the Hasidic community in Crown Heights with their fusion of traditional Jewish me...
"A Jewish Star" is an Orthodox Jewish singing competition modeled after American Idol, providing a unique platform for Jewish male singers within the constra...