Luke Tress

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JTA Not just Bowman and Congress: Israel and Gaza are also an issue in NYC local races 24 Jun
Israel and Gaza have emerged as key issues in local New York City Democratic primary races beyond just the high-profile contest between Rep. Jamaal Bowman an...
24 Jun
JTA Criticism of Israel and AIPAC features in rally for Jamaal Bowman with AOC and Bernie Sanders 23 Jun
At a rally for Rep. Jamaal Bowman in the Bronx with Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Bernie Sanders, criticism of Israel and AIPAC was prominent, with calls for ...
23 Jun
JTA Columbia suspends 3 administrators over disparaging texts during panel on campus Jewish life 21 Jun
Columbia University has suspended three administrators for sending disparaging text messages during a panel about Jewish campus life. The administrators mock...
21 Jun
JTA Ahead of Bowman-Latimer primary, Jewish get-out-the-vote effort says ‘Antisemitism is on the ballot’ 20 Jun
Concerned about what they perceive as rising antisemitism in the upcoming primary between Congressman Jamaal Bowman and George Latimer, a Jewish get-out-the-...
20 Jun
Forward She came to New York hoping to escape Israeli politics. Instead, she founded a protest movement 20 Jun
Shany Granot-Lubaton and her husband Omer Lubaton-Granot moved to New York City to escape Israeli politics, but seeing her mother protest in Tel Aviv prompte...
20 Jun
JTA Shany Granot-Lubaton came to NYC hoping to escape Israeli politics. Instead, she founded a protest movement 20 Jun
Shany Granot-Lubaton and her husband Omer Lubaton-Granot came to NYC hoping to escape Israeli politics but instead found themselves leading a protest movemen...
20 Jun
JTA What is Within Our Lifetime, the anti-Israel activist group behind the protests at the Nova exhibit and Brooklyn Museum? 19 Jun
Within Our Lifetime is a hardline pro-Palestinian activist group known for organizing protests against Israel in New York City. Established in 2015 as NYC St...
19 Jun
JTA Jewish immigrant men abandoned their wives in droves a century ago. Their stories are getting a new look 14 Jun
The exhibit "Runaway Husbands, Desperate Families: The Story of the National Desertion Bureau," showcased at the YIVO Institute for Jewish Research, delves i...
14 Jun
JTA Nova music festival exhibition is extended in NY after anti-Israel activists target it for protest 11 Jun
Anti-Israel activists targeted the Nova music festival exhibition in Lower Manhattan for protest, led by the group Within Our Lifetime. The exhibit commemora...
11 Jun
JTA Prosecutors move to dismiss hate crimes charges against woman who hit Israeli Columbia student with a stick 11 Jun
Prosecutors are seeking to drop hate crimes charges against Maxwell Friedman, also known as Malaika, who allegedly assaulted an Israeli student on Columbia U...
11 Jun