Madison Margolin

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Tablet The Magic Jews 28 Nov 2023
"The Magic Jews" is an article that explores the intersection of Judaism and psychedelic experiences, particularly through the lens of a group of individuals...
28 Nov 2023
Tablet The American Moshav Movement 21 Jun 2022
The article discusses the rise of communal living and intentional communities within the Jewish community. It cites examples such as the Berkeley Moshav, a c...
21 Jun 2022
Tablet Mahatma Bruce 20 Apr 2022
This text is a personal reflection by the author on her father, Bruce Margolin, who is a criminal defense attorney and advocate for marijuana legalization. T...
20 Apr 2022
Tablet Judaism’s Psychedelic Renaissance 27 Jul 2021
The article discusses the intersection of psychedelics and Judaism, particularly in the context of Purim celebrations in Jerusalem. The author shares her per...
27 Jul 2021
Tablet The Rainbow Connection 2 Aug 2019
Rainbow Gatherings offer a unique blend of spirituality, counterculture, and communal living, attracting a diverse group of individuals, including a signific...
2 Aug 2019
Tablet A Visit With Raphael Mechoulam, the Israeli Godfather of Cannabinoid Research 18 Apr 2019
Dr. Raphael Mechoulam, known as the "godfather of cannabis medicine," is a leading Israeli researcher in the field of cannabinoids. Mechoulam, who discovered...
18 Apr 2019
Tablet A New Leaf 12 Dec 2018
Jews have been increasingly involved in the cannabis industry and culture worldwide, with Israel leading in medical research and North American Jews catching...
12 Dec 2018
Tablet Rapper Kosha Dillz’s Judaism Remains an Inspiration on Third Album 29 Aug 2016
Kosha Dillz, an American rapper, incorporates his Jewish identity prominently in his music, addressing topics like anti-Semitism and addiction. In his latest...
29 Aug 2016
Tablet Raphael Mechoulam, the Israeli Godfather of THC 19 Apr 2016
Israeli scientist Raphael Mechoulam, known as the "Godfather of THC," discovered tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), the compound in cannabis responsible for its psy...
19 Apr 2016