Mallory Mosner's critique of Holocaust portrayals in Hollywood highlights pervasive issues such as the emphasis on non-Jewish saviors, sanitization of Jewish...
Mallory Mosner's guest essay argues that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has become an archetypal Jewish scapegoat in a modern context, where respo...
Mallory Mosner critiques The New York Times in her guest essay for perpetuating anti-Jewish sentiments through its reporting. She points out multiple instanc...
The text discusses the connection between Anti-Zionists and Reform Jews, delving into the author's personal journey and observations within the Reform Jewish...
"The Art of the No-Chill Bubbe" reminisces about the author's brazen and fiercely independent grandmother, Grandma Rose, who never settled for less than what...
The text discusses the alarming phenomenon of rape denialism, particularly in the context of the atrocities committed by Hamas on October 7th, 2023, where th...
The essay discusses the issue of equating hatred of Jews with Nazism, focusing on the anti-Semitic nature of hating Zionists and Israel. It highlights the fl...
The essay discusses the issue of whitewashing Jews and challenges the misconception that all Jews are white. It emphasizes that Judaism is not just a religio...
The essay explores the complex concept of being "anti-war," emphasizing the paradoxical nature of absolute pacifism in a world where violence and warfare hav...
The essay discusses the author's contrasting experiences at Passover Seders, one focusing on social justice and the other on traditional Jewish practices. Th...