Marc B. Shapiro

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Lehrhaus Confronting Biblical Criticism: A Review Essay 19 Jan 2023
"The Revelation at Sinai: What does Torah from Heaven Mean?" is a book that explores the concept of revelation and its significance in Judaism. It presents a...
19 Jan 2023
Jewish Review of Books On Re-Reading a Banned Book: Nathan Kamenetsky’s Making of a Godol 6 Apr 2022
In 2002, Nathan Kamenetsky self-published his controversial book "Making of a Godol: A Study of Episodes in the Lives of Great Torah Personalities." The book...
6 Apr 2022
Jewish Review of Books The Rogochover Speaks His Mind  28 Jun 2017
Rabbi Joseph Rozin, known as the Rogochover, was a renowned 20th-century talmudic genius known for his unconventional and highly original legal thinking. His...
28 Jun 2017
Jewish Review of Books Berdyczewski, Blasphemy, and Belief 27 Feb 2013
Micha Josef Berdyczewski, a former Orthodox Jew turned Hebrew writer, advocated for a departure from traditional Judaism to a more vital Hebrew identity, cal...
27 Feb 2013
Jewish Review of Books That in Aleppo Once 27 Feb 2013
In "That in Aleppo Once," the authors Hayim Tawil and Bernard Schneider discuss the historical journey of the Aleppo Codex, a significant annotated copy of t...
27 Feb 2013